20 June 2011

In Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom, How Do You Produce Better Food?

Originally landed on: Guide to Trade in Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

As your city develops and your population grows, your people demand better quality of food. Possible foods are wheat, millet, cabbage, rice, soybeans, fish, and game meat.

Food quality is a simple measure of how many different food types are available from the mill at the same time:

Bland Food - one food type
Plain Food - two food types
Appetizing Food - three food types
Tasty Food - four food types
Delicious Food - five food types

In addition, salt and spices will bump up the food quality by one, but they don't count if there are no "real" foods.

The mill has 32 spaces to hold food (or salt or spices). To make sure it has lots of different types, limit the total amount per food type it can have at a time. For example if you need Delicious, no more than 4 each.

Then there's the marketplace plaza. One of its settings is for food quality. If you select "appetizing food" as the minimum quality, the food buyer will only buy food from the mill if there are at least three food types available.

If you have more than one housing loop and therefore more than one plaza, bear in mind that the plaza demanding the lowest food quality can buy up all the food before the high-quality plaza ever gets any.

Four types of food at the mill

Guide to Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
How to Plan Your City
How to Set Up Housing
Guide to Trade
About the Palace Menagerie

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