03 June 2011

How to Keep Cantaloupe for One

Love cantaloupe, but can't eat such a large fruit all at once by yourself? Here's a handy way to make it last longer in the fridge.

1. Cut the cantaloupe in half, then each half also in half, so that you have quarters.

2. Scrape out the seeds and pulpy bits at the center of each quarter, using a metal spoon. It's the pulpy bits that go bad first in a cantaloupe, so once you remove them, the rest will keep a lot longer.

3. Cut up only the part you plan to eat or use. You want to minimize the amount of surface area exposed to air in the rest of it. If you can only eat a quarter or an eighth (half a quarter), only cut up that much at a time.

4. Put the quarters you plan to store into a large resealable plastic bag. Heavy duty freezer bags work well. Squeeze out as much air from the bag as you can before sealing and placing into the refrigerator. It should keep for at least a week.

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