09 May 2011

How to Kill Animals on Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom?

That's a good question. In my Palace Menagerie article, I talk about keeping animals alive - but there are also times when you want to kill the animals that attack your populace, such as the giant salamanders, gobi bears, tigers, and alligators.

So how do you kill dangerous animals? Only military troops are effective. For any city that needs animal control, even if none of your mission goals are about attacking or defending from rival cities, make at least one fort. Then, once you have some troops, just plant their flag near where the animals spawn.

Hunters of game meat will shoot at animals attacking them, but they don't always win.

A related question that has landed recently on my Palace Menagerie article is:
How to keep animals out of your city in Emperor?

Another excellent question. Try residential walls (Aesthetics menu). These work to keep out salamanders quite well, though they won't deter enraged bears.

Originally landed on: The Proper Care and Feeding of a Palace Menagerie in Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom

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